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Photo du rédacteur: Mundo Of ExpressionMundo Of Expression

Did you know the Zevent ?

Maybe yes, maybe not.

I will start by the basics. Twitch is a plateforme on the internet where there are videos like YouTube

but in live like when you see the final of the World Cup of football on your TV. The person who films themselves are called streamer and are watched by their community.

The Zevent is a charitable event where the French streamers gather to collect the viewers’ donations for an association !

This event was created by Adrien NOUGARET named on the web by Zerator and his friend Dash. This first edition was in 2016 by the name "Avengers France" and the tens of streamers mobilised have collected 170 000€. And years after years the streamers was more plentiful to recolt 500 000€ in 2017 for the French Red Cross, 1 million of € in 2018 for “médecin sans frontières”.

And there was 2019… and the French community have to show the entire world their power with 3.5 millions € for the Pasteur institute and break the record of the largest amount of money collected for a charitable event on Twitch and this for the struggle against sickness. The next years they beat the record and collected 5 millions of Euros for the human right with Amnesty international in 2020. Furthermore 2021 they smashed their own record with 10 millions € for “action contre la faim”.

The internet French community have proven it can be close and united.

For this year, this week from September 9 to September 11 , it’s 57 streamers who will get together to collect money for a noble reason, for the environment with Sea shepherd, LPO, WWF and the SeaCleaners.

So for the environment, for the French community, for the Zevent…

Make a donation !


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