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Summary of the Utrecht's attack in Netherlands

Photo du rédacteur: Mundo Of ExpressionMundo Of Expression

This Monday, March 18 in Utrecht, the Netherlands, took place an attack on a tram shortly before 11 o'clock in the morning.

The suspect is a 37-year-old man from Turkey named Gokmen Tanis. 3 people are dead and 5 are injured.

The man fired on a yellow and black tramway heading for the central station. According to a witness, Tanis was targeting a woman. Another said he saw a woman running out of the tram, blood on her hands and clothes before collapsing. Then, Gökmen Tanis fled aboard a red Clio. Eight hours later, he was found by the police in the neighborhood of Oudenoord, where he lived.

In two weeks he was going to appear for a rape case. According to the investigators and the prosecution, "a terrorist motive would be taken into account".

The investigation is in progress...

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