We know many great American basketball stars, but do you know Lamelo Ball ?

Lamelo Ball, future basketball superstar was born on August 22, 2001 in Chino Hills California; he is the last of the BALL siblings.
Very well known on the networks, especially on Instagram with his 6.7 million followers, he attracts even more hype, being drafted by the Charlotte Hornets in the NBA 2020 Draft. After starting basketball at the age of 3 with his older brothers Lonzo (player at New Orleans Pelicans) and Liangelo, all hopes are placed in him.
From a very young age, he aspired to a promising future. He played in High School in Chino Hills, where he shot in the middle of the court, to the applause of his father Lavar. At the age of 16, he became the youngest player to play in pro, and went with his older brother Liangelo to Lithuania. Later, he returned to United States, to play in the league his father had created (the JBA), and became the sales image of this league; why? His future was already mapped out, Lamelo Ball was going to be a great player.
During their world tour with the JBA and after several reflections, he asks his father for his agreement to resume a normal life, and finish his senior year at Spire Academy, a high school, aimed at training athletes without abandoning their studies. His popularity has raised the academy profile, and the other high school basketball teams in the country fear them.
Lonzo Ball's younger brother was ineligible for the NCAA because he already played pro ball in Lithuania at 16. He already has an agent and even a shoe line in his name. Which is prohibited by university rules. So he leaves, to play in Australia, for one season, while waiting for the NBA 2020 DRAFT.
Indeed, the NBL, the Australian basketball league, is the new El Dorado for American prospects who do not want to or cannot play in the NCAA.
Today, as a player for the Charlottes Hornets, he is the favorite for the rookie of the year, even after a right wrist injury.
He manages to get people like his coach (coach Borego), sports journalists like Stephen A. Smith, as well as several great players like Lebron James to agree.
He is destined for a promising future, that of becoming one of the great superstars of the league.