Hello dear high school students !!!
The election of Miss and Mister Gauguin returns for a new edition. This year the election takes a new turn. Miss and Mister Gauguin is not a show anymore, it's a competition. Indeed, candidates will no longer be judged on their external appearance but also on their way of thinking and acting. This new formula allows candidates to be heard, to have the opportunity to share their experience and to express themselves on the causes and values they support.
At the time of writing these lines, 10 candidates: 5 girls and 5 boys are competing for the title of Miss and Mister Gauguin 2019. These 10 candidates are coached by the team of the election committee. They are trained to adopt a confident attitude on stage but also in everyday life. They learn to intelligently develop their responses to have a more influential impact. During this preparation, they will participate in communication workshops where they will meet well-known personalities who will teach them how to use social networks and influence society to behave properly.
We met for you these 10 candidates. We asked them about ten questions to know them better, to discover their projects and the values they defend.
Let's discover together the contestants for Miss and Mister Gauguin 2019 !!
Hereata CHARPENTIER, 16 years old, year 12 STMG, candidate 1
Journal Moe : A few words to describe you...
Hereata : I would say gentle and a girl who has a big heart and a strong character too.
JMoe : Why did you want to take part in the contest “Miss and Mister Gauguin” ?
H : First of all, I wanted to take part in the contest on a whim. It was just for fun but after I saw it as an experience which should bring me more self-confidence and make me live a wonderful adventure.
JMoe : Is it your first beauty contest?
H : No, I already took part in “Miss middle school of Paea” when I was in Year 9.
JMoe : Are you apprehensive about the coming contest?
H : Yes, as everybody. We all have a little stress because of the contest. We don’t say it but everyone is wondering “who will win?”. There is always that between us.
JMoe : How do you consider the other contestant? Like opponents? Friends ?
H : I really consider them like friends because we told us to consider them like that since the preparation of the adventure. But for the big day of course we will be opponents. But we will always stay friends.
JMoe : What are your goals for this contest?
H : First of all, it is not to win. I don’t want to win. But a part of me as everybody wants to win but it is not especially my goal. I just want to get my message across and have fun.
JMoe : What will be your reaction if you learn that you win?
H : I think that I will cry and I will jump into the arms of our coach because it is thanks to her that I take part in the contest.
JMoe : Do you think you have your chance?
H : Yes I think I have my chance as everybody, as all the contestants. We all have our chance. We all are nice and pretty.
JMoe : What actions would you like to implement if you are elected?
H : The action that I fight agaisnst is the absenteeism and the school dropout. I would like to reduce the rate of absenteeism and try to make sure that there is no more school dropout or maybe even more at all. So it will be my principal action if I am elected. But another action will be the suicide, harassment, the causes that the other contestants stand for.
JMoe : What values would you like to convey?
H : The value I would like to convey is the self-love like the other contestants. We all have common points, we all want to share the same values: the self-confidence, the love of self, and the courage because we need a lot of courage to take part in a contest like that. It is very hard.
JMoe : A last message to share to the students?
H : I would say to the students, in relation to my cause, to continue their studies because yes it is hard, yes sometimes we let go but goals must be set, dreams too and do everything to reach them.

Maryline Vanaa, 16 years old, year 12 STMG, candidate 2
Journal Moe : A few words to describe you…
Maryline : Gentle, pretty and polite.
JMoe : Why did you want to take part in this contest “Miss and Mister Gauguin” ?
M : I wanted to participate in this contest, simply because since I was little I have always wanted to run as a candidate for this kind of contest. But also, because to me, a miss is a person who supports values that are important to her. And who is beautiful inside and outside.
JMoe : Is it your first beauty contest ?
M : Yes.
JMoe : Are you apprehensive about the coming contest ?
M : Yes, I’m a little stressed because it’s the first time that I participate in this kind of contest.
JMoe : How do you consider the other candidates ? Like opponents ? Like friends ?
M : In rehearsals, like opponents but apart the contest, like friends.
JMoe : What are your goals for this contest ?
M : My goals for this contest are to help people gaining self-confidence and teaching them to love themselves before loving others.
JMoe : What would be your reaction if you learned that you have won ?
M : I would be super happy but I would say that I will have more responsibilities too. So I will have to improve and progress.
JMoe : Do you think you have your chance ?
M : (She laughs) Yes still but the other candidates also have their chances. Because we are candidates who support values that are important for us and we are all beautiful inside.
JMoe : What actions would you like to implement if you are elected ?
M : I don’t know yet but in any case I will want to support the president of representatives of Paul Gauguin in his plans.
JMoe : What values would you like to convey ?
M: Education, voluntary work and as I said, the fact to love ourselves before loving other.
JMoe : A last message to share to the students ?
M : Yes, I would like to tell the high school students : Don’t pay attention to criticisms and prejudices. We have to trust each other and see what is most important to us. And don’t forget, love yourself before loving others.

Vahiana PENLAE, 17 years old, year 13 taking science subjects, candidate 3
Journal Moe : A few words to describe you…
Vahiana : I think about determination, perseverance and kindness.
Moe : Why did you want to take part in this contest “Miss and Mister Gauguin” ?
V : It is to make my parents proud of me and to get self-confidence.
Moe : Is it your first beauty contest ?
V : Yes.
JMoe : Are you apprehensive about the coming contest ?
V : Yes, I am a bit a apprehensive because this year, the contest has changed. We have to be better at speaking so it makes me stressed a little, but I will train myself for it.
JMoe : How do you consider the other candidates ? Like opponents ? Like friends ?
V : Honestly, they are friends because from the beginning there have been a kind of a really friendly relationship between everyone, and it is very awesome.
JMoe : What are your goals for this contest ?
V : First, I want to give my best and of course it is still a competition so why not being Miss Paul Gauguin 2019.
JMoe : What would be your reaction if you learned that you have won ?
V : I think I would be really proud of me, as well as my parents and my friends.
JMoe : Do you think you have your chance ?
V : I think that everyone has his chance because this year, physical aspect isn’t the only criteria taken in consideration.
JMoe : What actions would you like to implement if you are elected ?
V : I would like to help Rai, the President of representatives of Paul Gauguin High School and President of the council of pupils of French Polynesia, in his plans. I also would like to set up prevention of dropping out of school to avoid it.
JMoe : What values would you like to convey ?
V : So, me, I like sport so I would like to balance the chances of athletes with handicaps and normal athletes.
JMoe : A last message to share to the students ?
V : Enjoy every time of your life because we live only once and life is precious.

Poenaiki MILLARD, 17 years old, year 13 taking science subjects, candidate 4
Journal Moe : A few words to describe you...
Poenaiki : Superb, kind, adorable and I would say very joyful.
JMoe : Why did you want to take part in the contest “Miss and Mister Gauguin” ?
P : It’s only because today, we are too much judged and I’d like to show to the persons who see us, plump people as different. I’d like to prove them that we have our places in this kind of election too.
JMoe : It is your first beauty contest ?
P : Yes obviously.
JMoe : Are you apprehensive about the coming contest ?
P : I am of course. We all are because it is a contest, we are scared but otherwise everything’s fine, we have fun as we can.
JMoe : How do you consider the other candidates ? Like opponents ? Friends ?
P : Firstly, it’s a contest so theoretically they are contestants. But during this month of preparation, I considered them more as friends because we work together; we help and support each other. But we must never forget that we are in a contest so they remain opponents.
JMoe : What are your goals for this contest ?
P : My goal, as I said, would be to demonstrate to people that everyone has this place in this kind of election, that you need to be self-confident and that you shouldn’t hesitate to take part in this kind of competition.
JMoe : What would be your reaction if you learned that you have won?
P : I would be very moved, and very surprised because it would be the first time for a plump miss to win. But I would be very touched of course.
JMoe : Do you think you have your chance ?
P : I am humble so I won’t position myself about it.
JMoe : What actions would you like to implement if you are elected ?
P: First of all, the cleanliness of the high school : we should keep our school clean. Today, we are victims of pollution, and it really affects young people so we should change this. Secondly, I would like to build more infrastructures because it’s very hot by now. We don’t really have shelters and apparently, next year we won’t have the right to be in the floors and the stairs anymore.
JMoe : What values would you like to convey ?
P : Beauty, joy and everything following it.
JMoe : A last message to share with the students ?
P : Get self-confidence, do not hesitate ! In life, you have to dare; you have to prove to people that we all have something to bring to this society. You have to prove to the world that you are welcomed in this society, you are not different. You’re all beautiful, it’s this society which is ugly.

Heiitimoe Garbutt, 17 years old, year 13 economics, candidate 5
Journal Moe: A few words to describe you…
Heiitimoe : I have a tendency to speaking my mind, fierce... (She hesitates and asks her friend who accompanies her to help her. This one answered that Heiitimoe is actually a little fierce but also funny).
JMoe : Why did you want to take part in this contest “Miss and Mister Gauguin”?
H : In 2017, I was burnt on both legs. It was very hard; I stayed at the hospital for a long time. Clearly, it has been a total loss of self-confidence for someone who was originally very confident. Then I told to myself: And why not? This adventure can bring you only good things; it can help you regaining self-confidence.
JMoe : Is it your first beauty contest ?
H : No, precisely in 2017, I participated to the Tahiti Fashion Week.
JMoe : Are you apprehensive about the coming contest ?
H : I’m not that much. Maybe a bit about the oral but I have a good oral ease so I don’t think.
JMoe : How do you consider the other candidates ? Like opponents ? Like friends ? H : At the beginning, I stood in the casting with a friend who hasn’t been taken. The other girls are currently my competitors, I didn’t know them at all. But thanks to this adventure I learned to know them so I consider them as friends.
JMoe : What are your goals for this contest ?
H : As I said, I don’t really have things to acquire except maybe personal experience and self-confidence.
JMoe : What would be your reaction if you learned that you have won ?
H : Joy. If I win, I think that it can give me a big boost in my everyday life, especially on a psychological level. And that’s what I expect from this experience.
JMoe : Do you think you have your chance ?
H : I think, like all the candidates.
JMoe : What actions would you like to implement if you are elected ?
H : I didn’t really thought about the actions I would like to set up. Because I rather thought about touching the students directly and personally, in the sense that I participate in this contest because I’ve been burnt. If I win today, it’s because I had self-confidence thanks to the adventure.
JMoe : What values would you like to convey ?
H : It’s personal values. You have to accept yourself; I would say that it’s the great value that I want to convey. Because you can’t relay values if you don’t accept yourself.
JMoe : A last message to share to the students ?
H : Accept you as you are, because whatever people say, it will not change who you really are deep down. Everything happens inside yourself and if you want live, in a way you must love yourself.

Moevai MAIRE, 17 years old, Year 13 STMG, candidate 1
My close friends nickname me “Momo”.
Journal Moe : A few words to describe you…
Moevai : Simplicity, love of life, activity, that is to say remaining energetic, and that’s it mainly.
JMoe : Why did you want to take part in this contest “Miss and Mister Gauguin” ?
M : First of all, I took part in this election to gain experience, to meet new persons and particularly to get self-confidence that I lost by the years… actually, I was a bit fat and I received lots of criticism. I would like to regain self-confidence.
JMoe : Is it your first beauty contest?
M : Yes, it is.
JMoe : Are you apprehensive about the coming contest ?
M: Yes, I am very apprehensive because I never participated in this kind of contest. It is a new experience and it’s obvious that I’m stressed. Especially for the questions because I have my way of speaking which might get the upper hand so I will have to control my stress.
JMoe : How do you consider the other candidates ? Like opponents ? Like friends ?
M : I consider them as friends. They are also my classmates because there are students like all of us. In addition, I consider this contest as an experience and not as a competition.
JMoe : What are your goals for this contest?
M : My goal is to be open to the world, to introduce myself to others and to discover my potential abilities that I ignore for now.
JMoe : What would be your reaction if you learned that you have won ?
M : I think that… I wouldn’t do anything… (he laughs) I think I wouldn’t believe it on the moment; I would take time to understand that, that’s it. I am elected ambassador of the high school.
JMoe : Do you think you have your chance ?
M : I think that I have my chances, like all the candidates. Since everyone has his own personality, the difference will be visible through the character.
JMoe : What actions would you like to implement if you are elected ?
M : I champion two causes: the culture and the respect for the environment. For instance, I’d like to set up projects to clean the high school’s surroundings. I would like to influence people who don’t know me to try to protect our environment together. I also would like to highlight our culture.
JMoe : What values would you like to convey ?
M : The values that I would like to convey are simplicity because it’s important to remain simple and humble, respect of nature and respect of ourselves.
JMoe : A last message to share to the students ?
M : Yes : Be proud of being in Tahiti because it is still a paradise even if little by little, this paradise deteriorates. Let’s become aware of this, to try to preserve our island.

Manuarii GUYOT, 16 years old, year 12 STMG, candidate 2
Journal Moe : A few words to describe you…
M : Tolerance, good looking, nice and share.
JMoe : Why did you want to take part in this contest ?
M : I wanted to take part in this election because I am different from the others, I am effeminate. I champion the cause of discrimination and I wanted to be the spokesperson to stand up for the persons who believe in me. I would like to show that it’s not because we are different that we can’t make a dream come true and reach our goals.
JMoe : Is it your first beauty contest ?
M : No it’s not my first beauty contest, it is my second one. The first was the “Election du beau gosse de Tahiti” and I won. So I hope to get as far as possible in this this one.
JMoe : Are you apprehensive about the coming contest ?
M : I stress a lot because being a different person and a bit expelled from the society doesn’t help. Then, being in front of the audience, coming on stage, having all the eyes on me, is something impressive. I also stress because I see that all the candidates are talented, there is a lot of competition between the boys and we will see the results at the end.
JMoe : How do you consider the other candidates ?
M : They are originally my friends but this, is above all a competition so during the rehearsals and doing the contest, they are my opponents.
JMoe : What are your goals for this contest ?
M : My goal for this contest is to make the society change his look on the different persons because we are all equal. You have to stop criticizing the person facing you without knowing what her story is and why she is like that.
JMoe : What would be your reaction if you learned that you have won ?
M : My reaction I would have if I learn I won... I think that I would have a smile on my face, and tears in the eyes. I would be more motivating than ever because to me, “Mister Gauguin” title would be a strength to fight all the criticisms. And to everyone who believe in me, to show them that I’ve been their spokesperson and that I intend to continue being one.
JMoe : Do you think you have your chance ?
M : I don’t want to say yes because this year, it is tight between the candidates but I hope with all my heart that I have my chances.
JMoe : What actions would you like to implement if you are elected ?
M : The actions I would like to set up would be about discrimination. They will happen as acts and fact because I see that it doesn’t work with the words.
JMoe : What values would you like to convey ?
M : The values I would like to convey are tolerance towards every human beings, share and respect.
JMoe : A last message or sentence to share to the students ?
M : My last message to you, dear students of the high school is : Be yourself ; you’ve got dreams, realize them ; you’ve got goals, see them through the end, and whatever people say. If you know what your values are, show them because I know that deep down you are good people. So stand up for who you are.

Michael TUHOE, 19 years old, Year 13 STMG, candidate 3
Journal Moe : A few words to describe you...
Michael : Communication, respect and the nation without interest.
JMoe : Why did you want to take part in this contest ?
M : I wanted to take part in this election because of two events. Two years ago, before my admission in Paul Gauguin high school, I had an accident which demotivated me in sport. One year ago, another event happened but only a few people know what really happened. This election saw the light of day and it became an opportunity to me to become the person I was before again but in a better way.
JMoe : Is it your first beauty contest ?
M : It’s my first contest.
JMoe : Are you apprehensive about the coming contest ?
M : I am a bit stressed because many mates will see me at the election. But I’m not really apprehensive because I already experienced that. But I’ve already been on stage and spoke in front of 1000 people. So I control my stress because this election is very important for me.
JMoe : How do you consider the other candidates ?
M : At the moment, I consider them as friends but on the D-day I will consider them as opponents.
JMoe : What are your goals for this contest ?
M : I want to use this contest to establish environmental actions. I especially would like to put the bins in the high school' surroundings because I think it is really dirty.
JMoe : What would be your reaction if you learned that you have won ?
M : If I learn that I won, I would be happy. The fact to have won wouldn’t be the first thing I would think of. I would think more about what’s coming next.
JMoe : Do you think you have your chance ?
M : I don’t particularly think that I have my chances. I think everyone has his chances. I prefer enjoying this election because it’s a great opportunity for me.
JMoe : What actions would you like to implement if you are elected ?
M : Actions linked to cleanliness. The high school's neighborhood is the first thing people see before seeing the school. But now they only see dirtiness. I had lots of feedbacks which explain that Paul Gauguin high school is the dirtiest high school of Tahiti. We should be a bit ashamed about this.
JMoe : What values would you like to convey ?
M : First of all, respect. I would like each of us to show respect to the homeless people of the city. The first image tourists see are them, and it’s not the image our people want to show. So it’s our role as only public senior high school of Papeete, the capital city of French Polynesia, to help homeless persons to help them because yes, they are in the streets but they also have a heart and in that heart they can etch the students of Paul Gauguin high school who provided them support.
JMoe : A last message or sentence to share to the students ?
M : The last message I would like to convey is about animals. You have to know that every animal has a role, and the disappearance of a specie can modify many things in our environment. So I want students and especially the ones from Tuamotu, far from home, to become aware of this. I hope that when they will grow up, they will keep saving animals such as turtles, fish and avoid overfishing.

Ariitu GRAND, 18 years old, year 13 STMG, candidate 4
Journal Moe : A few words to describe you…
Ariitu : Reserved, respectful and humble.
JMoe : Why did you want to take part in this contest ?
A : At the beginning, my friends teased me with that but at one point, I told myself : why not carrying on this experience because it’s the first time that I do that. Finally, it brought me lots of things in my life.
JMoe : Is it your first beauty contest ?
A : Absolutely, it’s my very first one.
JMoe : Are you apprehensive about the coming contest ?
A : Yes, because it’s a bit difficult to take your personal work for school into account and at the same time to devote your time in the preparation of the election. For example, in the afternoon, we have a training session so it upsets a bit my way of life.
JMoe : How do you consider the other candidates ?
A : I rediscovered my friends, like Thomas who was a really close friend before. And I also discovered beautiful persons. It’s kind of magic to see the investment of the contestants in this adventure because I see that day after day they really change their state of mind so it’s super to share this with them.
JMoe : What are your goals for this contest ?
A : My goal is not necessarily to win. Of course, if I win, it would be a plus, but above all I’d like to share my ideas, convey my opinions with the contestants and my fans.
JMoe : What would be your reaction if you learned that you have won ?
A : For a start, I would be very surprised and moved. Then, I would like to thank all the people who will have supported me whether it be my family, my friends or also the committee which provide an exceptional work as far as in the commitment than in the investment in every rehearsal. I think that it will also be a great pride to win a contest that has changed this year. It is no longer specific to beauty but rather about the personality. This is one of the reasons, by the bye, which pushed me into joining this contest.
JMoe : Do you think you have your chances ?
A : I think that I’ve got my chances but everyone has his chances. We all have something to propose in this election.
JMoe : What actions would you like to implement if you are elected ?
A : The cause I fight against is cyber bullying. If I am ambassador, I would like to set up psychology sessions and personalized classes with the students. I’d also like to encourage the homeroom teachers to try to get interested in the students’ personal lives to understand and help them better.
JMoe : What values would you like to convey ?
A : Never judging, always observing, being omniscient in a story, not interpreting and remaining respectful towards yourself and the others.
JMoe : A last message or sentence to share to the students ?
A : Do not let the interpretation of others become your reality.

Thomas ZANON, 17 years old, year 13 economics, candidate 5
JMoe : A few words to describe you…
Thomas : I would say seriousness, motivation, organization and excellence.
JMoe : Why did you want to take part in this contest “Miss and Mister Gauguin”?
T : I wanted to run as a candidate in the election first of all to live a unique experience, to meet more or less famous people and characters. And above all to learn to know myself and people around me better.
JMoe : Is it your first beauty contest ?
T : Yes, it is my first beauty contest.
JMoe : Are you apprehensive about the coming contest ?
T : Not particularly, I tried to stay as positive as possible for the approaching contest, as much about the presentation then about the oral interview, that is to say the questions the committee is going to ask me. I try to remain confident and positive to answer the questions to the best of my ability.
JMoe : How do you consider the other candidates ? Like opponents ? Like friends ?
T : To me, it is certainly a competition and the goal is to win of course. I noticed that in the bosom of this promotion, there have been a certain mutual aid and a team spirit, that is to say that if one of the candidates has some difficulties in the process, another one is going to help him, by advising and giving him personal knacks to get through it. Or also about the oral expression, which is not always easy to answer the questions, so I think that the team spirit is really present in the group such as with the committee. To answer more precisely to the question, for now, I consider them as competitors but after the election I think and, in any case, I hope that they will become friends.
JMoe : What are your goals for this contest ?
T : My goal is simple: being Mr. Gauguin (he laughs).
JMoe : What would be your reaction if you learned that you have won ?
T : For a start, I would be very surprised and moved. Then, I would like to thank all the people who will have supported me whether it be my family, my friends or also the committee which provide an exceptional work as far as in the commitment than in the investment in every rehearsal. I think that it will also be a great pride to win a contest that has changed this year. It is no longer specific to beauty but rather about the personality. This is one of the reasons, by the bye, which pushed me into joining this contest.
JMoe : Do you think you have your chance ?
T : I think that I’ve got all my chances and I’m getting ready every day to put as chances as possible in my side.
JMoe : What actions would you like to implement if you are elected ?
T : I already created a supporting Facebook page : Soutien Thomas Zanon, Candidat n5 and I think that via this page, why not broadcasting messages, sharing some of my values, some experiences of my everyday life or of other persons. Through this page, I would like to invite as much people as I can to share the same philosophy than me and to help them progressing in their goals.
JMoe : What values would you like to convey ?
T : The first value I want to convey is respect. The respect of ourselves and the respect of others are values a bit forgotten now. I would say especially for the respect of ourselves; a lot of people criticize themselves, judge themselves so there are many people judging themselves read already so why do they criticize themselves? Why rubbing it in finally ? And for the respect of others, it is rather a question of value . I would like to bring these values at the heart of the debates.
JMoe : A last message to share to the students ?
T : I would like to tell them : Believe in you, tell yourselves that in life, everything is possible and give yourselves the way to.

After finding out a little more about these 10 candidates, it's up to you, high school students, to vote for your favorite candidate. Support them on the facebook page: Miss and Mister Gauguin.
All welcome on Friday, March 29 at Paul Gauguin High School from 13h to 17h during the election.
They are counting on you and your votes !!!