On Friday, March 29th 2019 took place the election « Miss and Mister Gauguin 2019 ». About 450 people were present with banners, balloons, and numbers... to support their favorite candidate. An exceptional staff with a perfect organization, they made this contest a pleasant moment.
We were there and we could access to the backstage.
If you dreamt to discovered the “behind the scenes” of the election, this article is for you !
Let’s relive the D-Day together!
We will start our article in the backstage:
On the girl’s side, many people were present. Indeed, each of them had a hairdresser and a make-up artist. The atmosphere in their lodge was very studious, all the girls were focused.
On the contrary, we could qualify the boy’s side as relaxed. They were laughing and helping each other. They were also independent with their dress code.
Thomas, Moevai and Ariitu
While waiting for their first run, we asked them what was their state of mind at the moment. The feelings were very different depending on the candidates : « stressed », « very good », « I’m hot »,
« motivated », « panicked no, but stressed yes ».
Before their first appearance, the candidates and Abel Hauata (president of the committee « Miss and Mister Gauguin »), gathered together to wish each other good luck one last time. They shouted a war cry. Abel encouraged them, he was very happy and proud of the way accomplished by all the candidate. He gave them a final recommendation “don’t regret anything, live it to the full !”. This moment was very emotional because we could see a team united until the very last moment.
The show was finally about to begin. It started by a dance common to all the candidates, followed by an individual appearance to present their act. During the return of the contestants in the backstage, Vaimiti Bourrez (president of the jury) and Rai (president of LPG’s representatives) explained the new principle of Miss and Mister Gauguin.
The jury was also composed of Emehe Dezerville (1st dauphine of Miss Tahiti 2019), Raimiti Ravello (painter), Puatai, Makau Foster and Tearava.
The contestants then paraded in a completely vegetal outfit and they took the opportunity to talk about their goals for this contest. The jury asked them questions in order to better know them and their plans.
While the contestants were changing their outfits, K-pop groups came to do demonstrations.
The candidates then came back on the stage but this time, wearing elegant casual clothes. Then they asked philosophical and topical questions to each other. Then went on stage Miss and Mister Paul Gauguin 2018: Teipotemarama Cabral and Efaraima Raufauore. They both were pleased to announce the names of the 3 girls and 3 boys who could continue the adventure. In the order of announcement we had: Poenaiki, Maryline and Vahiana for the girls and Thomas, Moevai and Manuarii for the boys.
The audience was literally on fire because the final results were getting close. All the contestants returned in the backstage, so we interviewed each of the candidates with one only and same question : how do you feel after the announcement of the first results?
Ariitu answered that he was neither happy nor unhappy because to him, he had won thanks to his victory on rumors.
Heiitimoe, joking around, confided to us that she wasn’t disappointed because she took part in the contest to gain self-confidence.
To Maryline, astonishment was dominating. She was very happy because she believed that she didn’t answered the questions quite well.
Thomas, as for him, told us that he was in great form and confident for the rest of the adventure.
Hereata was very happy for her friends but mainly proud of herself. She doesn’t regret anything.
Moevai told us that he was in great form too and that he was enjoying his time. He hopes to have fun at the next appearance.
Manuarii revealed that he was quite better since he learned that he was part of Top3. But he still remains a bit nervous for the following parts of the election.
Poenaiki was very cheerful. She quoted Vaimalama Chavez : “C’est incroyable!”. She keeps her determination.
Poenaiki in the backstage before the results.
And Vahiana answered that she was very happy but still a bit stressed. She didn’t think she was going to be part of Top3 because when the 2 first candidates have been called, she sincerely thought that it was the end of her adventure.
Then we came back on stage, where our 6 contestants paraded in evening wear for the last time. Straight after, Abel announced the name of the 4 finalists: Manuarii and Moevai, Poenaiki and Vahiana.
We took advantage of the break to interview the twin and the father of Vahiana.
JMOE : How did you find your twin ?
Sister : She is beautiful, today. She has goals. It took a lot of training to get there. I’m proud of what she is doing today.
JMoe : Do you think she can win ?
Sister : I think she was her chances, but everything depends on how she will answer the questions. But otherwise I honestly think she can win.
JMoe : How did you find your daughter ?
Father : She is beautiful !
JMoe : Are you proud of her ?
Father : I’m very proud of her and we will cross our fingers for her, so that she reaches her goals. She would like to be Miss Gauguin. I can only wish her success.
Some groups came to sing for the crowd and the jury. Then, Miss and Mister Gauguin 2018 paraded a last time with an emotion that touched the entire audience.
All the sponsors who contributed to this election were warmly thanked.
Finally, the moment everyone was waiting for arrived. The crowd had itchy feet. So in music Abel announced the names of Miss and Mister Gauguin 2019.
And the winners are… Vahiana Penlae and Manuarii Guyot !!!
Under the applause of the crowd, they held together, hand in hand, their first run.
In the most complete excitement of this announcement we managed to get the interview of two members of the jury : Vaimiti Bourez and Emehe Dezerville.
Vaimiti Bourez :
JMoe : How did you find the atmosphere, today ?
Vaimiti : It was very warm, the whole audience supported his favourite candidates. It was great and friendly.
JMoe : What do you think of the candidates and the two winners ?
Vaimiti : I was pleasantly surprised the candidates’ language level and the way they managed to answer the questions. Honestly, it was impressive. And we are all very satisfied of the final choice.
Emehe Dezerville :
Jmoe : How did you find the atmosphere, today ?
Emehe : It was really nice, they had a lot of encouragement. But I just think that it was a pity that the event wasn’t opened to everyone including people coming from outside. On the other hand, I found that all the candidates were nice persons.
JMOE : What do you think of the two winners ?
Emehe : I find both of them very beautiful. They champion nice values and I wish them to enjoy and realize what they will undertake.
JMoe : Were you happy to be part of this jury ?
Emehe : It made me very happy to be part of this jury. Furthermore, I really want to see all the candidates to congratulate them because they all have been very courageous.
We enjoyed a calmer time after the contest to interview Manuarii’s mother. It was with great emotion in her voice and tears in her eyes that she answered our questions.
JMoe : What did you think about your son, are you proud of him ?
Mother : It’s a joy. To see that he followed his goals in spite of all the criticisms and judgments he received especially on social networks. He made of his difference a strength. He fought, he got through, he believed strongly in his objectives and we always have supported him. I’m proud of him, and I will never stop supporting him.
Finally, while thanking and taking pictures with their fans, our miss and Mister Gauguin 2019 told us their feelings on the moment. Vahiana was happy and moved, she couldn’t believe it at all, she really couldn’t believe she had won because she has been chosen third. As for Manuariii, we saw happiness but also hope in his eyes. He describes this present moment so magical for him in 2 words: I feel happy and recognized.
Mundo of Expression particulary wanted to congratulate Manuarii and Vahiana for their title of Miss and Mister Gauguin 2019.
But also all the other candidates who agreed to be interviewed a few weeks ago and during the contest. We also wanted to express our thanks to the organizing committee who was very helpful.
If you want to see more pictures, or even videos of some parts of the election :
you can have a look at the page Instagram “journalmoe”, everything is there...
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The reporters of Journal Moe.