
Mundo Of Expression
7 juin 20215 min de lecture
77 years ago : the D-Day
June the 6th 1944. It was 77 years ago. The Allies sacrificed themselves to liberate the oppressed people of Europe from Nazy tyranny.
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Mundo Of Expression
20 mai 20212 min de lecture
12:45 Etham Cover by Camille 🎶
Do you want a song that makes you cry ? A song about a breaking up ? Alright, I have one for you : a love breaking up song that stars on...
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Mundo Of Expression
16 mai 20211 min de lecture
EDITORIAL Our outstanding foreign Languages week.
This week’s articles celebrate our school’s foreign languages week. Along with other presentations and activities in the school, we would...
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Mundo Of Expression
13 mars 20213 min de lecture
Meet with CIDFF
Sandrine Noilou has been lawyer for 8 years in the association “Women and Family Rights Information Center” (Centre d’informations des...
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Mundo Of Expression
12 mars 20212 min de lecture
Il sessismo deve andare!
Perché e come elimineremo la discriminazione di genere nella nostra scuola ? L’8 marzo prossimo, come avrai capito, si svolgeva una...
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Mundo Of Expression
22 févr. 20212 min de lecture
Christmas for everybody
Alexander Smith once said "Christmas is the day that holds all time together” Well, everybody knows that Christmas is one of the best...
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Mundo Of Expression
20 févr. 20211 min de lecture
John Fitzgerald Kennedy
Valentin Carre (T°3) and Teraimano Crolas (T°5)
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Mundo Of Expression
19 févr. 20211 min de lecture
The rover Esperence landed on Mars
Seven months of space travel, decades of work, billions of dollars to answer just one question: Does life exist anywhere else in the...
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Mundo Of Expression
17 févr. 20211 min de lecture
Photos Contest
The Mundo of Expression newspaper is proud to introduce you the photo competition. The theme of the contest is : « To represent French...
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Mundo Of Expression
16 févr. 20211 min de lecture
Concours Dessin Saint Valentin
Afin de célébrer la Saint Valentin de manière artistique tout en mettant en avant le talent des élèves du lycée. Le CDI a organisé un...
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Mundo Of Expression
4 sept. 20201 min de lecture
Jerusalema : Summer Hit 2020
You may certainly have ever danced or sang on this song « Jerusalema ». Let’s discover its origins and some interesting facts about it !...
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Mundo Of Expression
1 févr. 20201 min de lecture
Kung Hei Fat Choy !!
🇨🇳 Kung Hei Fat Choy !!🇨🇳 Here is a little insight in into the traditional Chinese dance of the Lions this morning at LPG.
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Mundo Of Expression
29 nov. 20194 min de lecture
La fin du règne...
Le règne touche à sa fin pour notre Miss Gauguin 2019 Vahiana PENLAE et notre Mister Gauguin 2019 Manuarii GUYOT. Nous vous invitons à...
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Mundo Of Expression
22 nov. 20191 min de lecture
Sexual bullying
It is likely that you have never heard of this type of harassment at school, perhaps because it consists of obscene conduct. Many people...
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Mundo Of Expression
22 nov. 20191 min de lecture
Social bullying at school
One of the least known and perhaps the most common types of bullying at school. Imagine that we want to play a football match, but no one...
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Mundo Of Expression
21 nov. 20191 min de lecture
Cyberbullying is a type of bullying unfortunately not rare which takes place through the internet and social medias. Cyberbullying is...
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Mundo Of Expression
19 nov. 20191 min de lecture
Verbal bullying
This type of bullying is much more recurrent because it’s verbal abuse. Verbal bullying can range from insults to threats, the mockeries,...
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Mundo Of Expression
19 nov. 20191 min de lecture
Physical bullying
This is the most visible type of bullying, since the aggressor uses his physical strength to terrify his victim. With kicks, slaps, and...
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Mundo Of Expression
19 nov. 20191 min de lecture
Bullying at school
Bullying at school has unfortunately taken a huge place in schools and high schools. Places where the youngest brag about abusing their...
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Mundo Of Expression
14 nov. 20191 min de lecture
LOGO JO 2024
• On october 21st at grand rex at 8:24 pm for the symbolic of the year, the new logo of the Olympics Games 2024 was unveiled by tony...
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